
My Last Glide

Tim Glenn

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Sometimes our greatest ourselves. In this guitar and vocal driven pop/rock offering, indie artist Tim Glenn pleads for salvation from his own demon of pride.

Timā€™s latest single, My Last Glide, is an honest look at his wrestle with his greatest adversary: himself.

"My Last Glide references the Greek myth of Icarus," says Glenn, "whose

Sometimes our greatest ourselves. In this guitar and vocal driven pop/rock offering, indie artist Tim Glenn pleads for salvation from his own demon of pride.

Timā€™s latest single, My Last Glide, is an honest look at his wrestle with his greatest adversary: himself.

"My Last Glide references the Greek myth of Icarus," says Glenn, "whose own pride caused him to fly too close to the sun. In this song, I pray for salvation from the demon of pride that haunts me. Don't let this be my last glide. Save me from me."

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So Human

Tim Glenn

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"I hate that I'm so human..." The opening lyric in this song says it all. In this pop rock single, I tried to capture the frustration of dealing with the limitations of being a human and not being more like God. As the bridge says, "This fleshly limitation, the source of my frustration, I'm sick of falling down and falling again..."

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Sweet Sister

Tim Glenn

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I wrote this song for one of my sisters who was wrestling with God at the time. This song was to serve as a reminder that He is here, with you, right now. He's there when you stumble, when you rise, and just because things have gotten tough, it doesn't mean He has abandoned you. Always remember He loves you, sweet sister.

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Tim Glenn is an acoustic guitar driven indie musician whose stylings also include rock, pop and worship.Ā 

I'm No Superhero

Tim Glenn

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Tim Glenn's latest pop/rock offering is a high-energy anthem for all those who refuse to be put on a pedestal. "Dress me in superhero blue but my true shade's a different hue."

My son and I have this ritual at bedtime.

"Daddy, make up a song!"

So I'll sing a silly song or a lullabye. Eventually, that morphed into a challenge to be more specific.

Tim Glenn's latest pop/rock offering is a high-energy anthem for all those who refuse to be put on a pedestal. "Dress me in superhero blue but my true shade's a different hue."

My son and I have this ritual at bedtime.

"Daddy, make up a song!"

So I'll sing a silly song or a lullabye. Eventually, that morphed into a challenge to be more specific. "Daddy, make up a song about elephants" or "Daddy make up a song about what we did today." It's a good songwriting exercise for me. Though I'll admit my rhyme schemes are typically pretty predictable when I'm making stuff up on the fly.

One night, he hit me with this question: "Daddy, are you a superhero?"

"No, son. I'm not. I can't fly. I can't break through walls. I'm just an ordinary man. But I'm trying to be the best daddy I can."

"Make up a song about it Daddy!"

So this song began as a lullabye. At least the chorus anyway. I spent the next few months working on perfecting the lyrics, putting together verses and giving the song a deeper meaning. How often do we put people on a pedestal? In our marriages, our relationships, at work...perhaps even at church? At the end of the day, we're all just ordinary people trying to be better. Better dads, moms, co-workers, bosses, employees, believers, whatever.

So I initially wrote this song at bedtime with my 6-year old. But it has become much more than that. It's a declaration of humanity. It's an honest, self-assessment. And it's a reminder to the listener, to not expect too much from me.

"I am just an ordinary man, trying to do my best and I still get hurt when I fall."

But then there's the bridge:

"I'll wear this cape if you want me to. Be your escape in this shade of blue. Bullets can't stop me from being with you."

Sometimes we have to play the role of superhero, even when we don't believe it about ourselves. Sometimes, that's what it takes to profess our love, our devotion, our commitment. To my son, I say, "You need me to be a superhero today? Then I'll be one for you. Because that's how much I love you."

I hope you enjoy the song as much as I've enjoyed writing it. And I hope you enjoy it even more now, knowing the story behind it.

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New Pair of Shoes

Tim Glenn

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Remember when you were a kid and you got a new pair of shoes? All of the sudden you could jump higher, run faster! That's the premise behind this fun, high-energy pop song, featuring the voice of young Isaiah, son of my songwriting partner, Brian. "You can almost hear the zoom as I go screaming through the room..."

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Will You Remember Me?

Tim Glenn

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This song is for Anrietta--a woman I met on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya a few years ago. Anrietta was HIV positive and terribly sick. But her primary concern was caring for her pre-teen daughter. As I was leaving her village, she stopped me, and with her voice quivering, asked: "Will you remember me?" I said, "I could never forget you." She

This song is for Anrietta--a woman I met on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya a few years ago. Anrietta was HIV positive and terribly sick. But her primary concern was caring for her pre-teen daughter. As I was leaving her village, she stopped me, and with her voice quivering, asked: "Will you remember me?" I said, "I could never forget you." She asked again. I reassured her. Then she said something that will stay with me forever: "I just need to know that, when I die, someone will remember me." I suppose we all want a legacy, right? We all want to leave this world a better place than the way we found it. We all want to be remembered. I wrote this song to always remember Anrietta. I've never released this song before. But I thought I'd share it here.

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Tim Glenn is an acoustic guitar driven indie artist and singer songwriter, but his stylings also inclue rock, pop and worship.

What Will You Do?

Tim Glenn

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On a trip to Lima Peru, I visited a small community living on a dirt hillside. Their homes, shacks really, made of tin and scraps of wood were stacked upon top of each other. A young girl, named Brenda was playing on the dusty hillside, kicked a soccer ball. I chatted with her a little. She was a sponsored child in Compassion International's

On a trip to Lima Peru, I visited a small community living on a dirt hillside. Their homes, shacks really, made of tin and scraps of wood were stacked upon top of each other. A young girl, named Brenda was playing on the dusty hillside, kicked a soccer ball. I chatted with her a little. She was a sponsored child in Compassion International's program. I asked her how the program had changed her life. She told me that it was there, in the dusty little hillside church that Compassion partnered with, that she found Jesus. I thought about that...finding Jesus in the dirt in Peru. Who knew!?

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